Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Poll Results (Week 5)

Does Online Learning limit socialising with the community?

Poll Results (Week 5)
According to this week's poll results, 44.4% of the voters responded "Yes" whereas 55.6 of the voters responded "No" to whether Online Learning limit socialising with the community.

The majority of the voters have responded that Online Learning does not limit socializing with the community and this could be because the voters feel that students can still communicate with the social world while they are involved in Online Learning. Students can still be exposed to the community and socialize with one another even though it is through a computer screen. For example, any individual can communicate with one another through many ways such as e-mailing, chatting online or through a web camera (web cam) and also through other ways to socialize with others.

The remaining voters have responded that Online Learning does limit socializing with the community and this could be because the voters feel that students do not get much exposure and approach to Online Learning. Maybe the voters feel that the students do not have the chance to talk and discuss matters regarding their subjects and while doing their projects as well and do not get a hands on experience while learning online.

Well, there are no right and wrong to which kind of learning one prefers and how they socialize among one another as long as they get the education they are looking for and can study effectively. People socialize differently towards others and that’s why some individuals prefer Online Learning and some prefer Traditional Learning.

Now, do you feel that people who are involved in Online Learning will be detached from socializing with others? Please feel free to share your opinions.

Thank You, cheers. :-)

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