Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Poll Results (Week 4)

If Online Learning were to be implemented in Malaysia, how would you react to it?

Poll Results (Week 4)

Based on this week's poll results, 72% of the voters feel 'happy' if Online Learning were to be implemented in Malaysia, 15% of the voters feel 'sad' and 13% of the voters responded that they 'do not know'.

The majority of the voters have voted that they would feel ‘happy’ if Online Learning were to be implemented in Malaysia because they can study according to their time. The reason most voters feel so could also be because they feel that it gives them much more freedom to access their learning materials and other information quickly and easily.

15% of the voters have voted that they would feel ‘sad’ if Online Learning were to be implemented in Malaysia because those voters prefer going to an education centre to learn. This reason could be because those voters can socialize among their friends and discuss about their education with one another. They can also do their assignments or projects together and communicate and establish their learning skills and ability as well. Maybe they also like a different or outdoor environment to learn than learning at home.

13% of the voters felt uncertain as to how Online Learning in Malaysia would make them feel. Perhaps these voters like the old learning system and probably they do not know if they can accept Online Learning to be implemented here in Malaysia or if it is appropriate for them.

Well, from this we can see that Malaysians want to experience Online Learning in their own country. Hence, it has not been implemented yet.

Now, do you think it would be a good opportunity to allow students and other individuals to experience Online Learning in Malaysia?

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