Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Poll Results (Week 6)

Where did you first know about Online Learning?

Poll Results (Week 6)

According to this week’s poll results, 12.5% of the voters responded that they first knew about Online Learning through ‘books’, 25% of the voters’ responded ‘newspaper’, 37.5% of the voters responded ‘Internet’, 25% of the voters voted friends and family, and none voted ‘others’.

The majority of the voters have responded that they first knew about Online Learning through the Internet. This could be because many people are computer literate and they know how to get the information they are looking for. Nowadays, there is nothing you cannot get or do online. From shopping to socializing to going to class, it can all be down from the comfort of your own home, it can even be done in your pajamas, on the couch or sitting in your backyard.

25% of the voters have voted that they first knew about Online Learning through newspapers. This could be because many people read the newspaper everyday. Most people only continue their work after reading a newspaper in the morning. People who do not use the Internet much would most likely to have found out about Online Learning through this way.

Another 25% of the voters responded that they knew about Online Learning through their friends and family. Many people socialize at parties or other events where family and friends get together and communicate with each other. Therefore, matters regarding Online Learning would have arisen generally and hence these voters knew about Online Learning.

12.5% of the voters responded that they knew about Online Learning through books and none of the voters responded that they knew about Online Learning through other sources.

From this, we can conclude that Internet is the highest source of information where people get to know about Online Learning and other materials. Now, do you feel that Online Learning is a good form of learning?

Please send us your thoughts and feedback. Thank you. Cheers. :-)

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